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Protecting Our Workers And Industry By Requiring Proper Insurance

Updated: Aug 20, 2019

NYCSRA Board members are promoting a new policy to ensure that all companies who pull a DOB work permit have the proper insurance for the size and scope of the job ahead. Our goal is to ensure our industry maintains a high level of integrity and each permit holder is ensured in the case of an accident, regardless of whether it results in personal injury or worse. 

NYCSRA would like the Council to pass legislation or the DOB to implement regulations that extend the same insurance requirements already in place for pulling work permits on new construction and demolition jobs to special riggers and façade restoration projects.

This would include the following:

Building Height / Project Scope: The insurance policy should cover that which is required for the height of the building and the scope of the project. 

Third Party Over Action: pursuing a requirement that Third Party Over Action coverage exist in contracts should remain an issue between the building owner and the contractor/subcontractor, but that it is documented.

Specified operations: all permit holders should be qualified to perform the duties of the task at hand. Just having insurance should not qualify anyone from taking on larger, more elaborate and intricate projects unless they have proper insurance.

Please let us know your thoughts on this pursuit. We welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be sent to

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