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NYCSRA Discussion on Fraudulent Construction Accident Claims -Members only event May 11, 2023

Are fraudulent construction accident insurance claims affecting your business? Have you seen an uptick in claims and questionable activity?

If so, please come to our upcoming Members Only event to share your story and learn more about these fraudulent acts. The following expert panelists will participate in this event, share their experience and answer your questions:

1. Steve Lokus, Hartford Insurance Global Specialty, VP Construction Claims

2. Cheryl Fuchs, Esq., Fuchs Rosenzweig PLLC, Scaffold Law Defense Counsel

3. Edward Barry, EJI Investigations LLC, Scaffold Law Private Investigator

4. Jonathan Bannett, AmWins, EVP, Insurance Executive

5. Michael H. Maizes, Esq., Maizes & Maizes LLP, Scaffold Law Defense Counsel

6. Steve Katz & Jeff Heiser, Principals, Kay Waterproofing Corp.

7. Rygo E. Foss, Esq., Andromeda, Moderator

Date: Thursday, May 11th

Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm

Location: Extech Architectural Resource Center

336 West 37th Street - Suite 1020, (Between 8th and 9th Avenue)


SPACE IS LIMITED. Register Here!

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